Nothing like this year has ever happened before. So many companies are down double digits in 2020 YOY revenues that CEOs must rapidly do something different or risk termination.
The ability to measure the impact advertising has on sales has been the holy grail for marketers, agencies and data scientists. It dates back to John Wanamaker (1838-1922), who has been credited with the adage, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”. Since then, with more ad supported media choices and more brands, consumers have been bombarded by ad messages daily. Meanwhile, advertisers continue to seek better ways to measure the sales impact from their media campaigns.
The ARF, in collaboration with 605, Central Control and Bill Harvey Consulting, is championing a research initiative designed to establish methods for applying randomized control testing (RCT) to cross-platform advertising impact analysis.
The ARF, in conjunction with 605, Central Control and Bill Harvey Consulting, will identify best practices to help advertisers better pinpoint the contributing factors to digital and TV campaign effectiveness
The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), the industry leader in advertising research among brand advertisers, agencies, research firms, and media, today announced a collaborative research initiative designed to establish methods for applying randomized control testing (RCT) to cross-platform advertising impact analysis.
The ARF today announced a collaborative research initiative designed to establish methods for applying randomized control testing (RCT) to cross-platform advertising impact analysis.
It’s been a while since I’ve been at an industry presentation where someone invoked the old chestnut -- usually attributed to Philadelphia retailer John Wanamaker -- that “half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” And if a new initiative backed by the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) works out, it’s possible nobody will ever repeat it again.
The initiative, which is already underway and backed by at least two big media-buying organizations -- Horizon Media and Dentsu Aegis Network’s Merkle -- seeks to operationalize a more scientific method of proving which ads and media exposures are not wasted.
Industry experts Ari Paparo (CEO, Beeswax) and Rick Bruner (CEO, Central Control) give an educational overview of digital attribution techniques. This webinar starts with the basics of attribution and multitouch attribution (MTA), then delve into more complex topics such as the challenges presented by cookie instability, channel complexity and more, along with a dive into the new trend of incrementality and the breakthrough "ghost ads" methodology.